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Changes to our telephone network. Fergus McGilp

University of the 3rd Age

Founded in 1982, the University of the Third Age is a UK-wide movement of locally-run interest groups that provide a wide range of opportunities to come together to learn for fun. Members explore new ideas, skills and activities together. 

u3a takes its name from L’Université du Troisième Age launched in France in 1972. More recently, the French have adopted the titles of Université de Tous Ages or Université du Temps Libre or Union Française des Universités de Tous Ages or UFUTA. It is more a university in the original sense of the word; a co-operative of people interested in a particular activity or subject. u3a s have members not students.

There are 1,057 u3as with over 450,000 members; membership costs less than £20 on average per year and is open to everyone who’s no longer in full-time work. 

Tiverton u3a has just over 400+ members and welcomes more. Have a look at our “Groups”, to see what is currently on offer.