Browns Bay u3a NZ. Twinning News

Firstly, a quick tour of Browns Bay, click here

I’m sure you’re all familiar with the term twinning, especially when applied to towns and cities such as Tiverton with its twin towns, Hofheim and Chinon. Following on from this idea, I wondered if it was possible to ‘twin’ u3as? Twinning is probably a rather grand term for forming a closer relationship with a u3a in another country but in this very troubled world it’s something that I thought worth investigating. In practical terms, I expect a twinning arrangement to mean a regular exchange of ideas and views (local or national) via newsletters, websites and email. It could also include helpful travel advice. In a best case scenario it might also be possible for ambitious travellers to attend one another’s meetings as part of a wider vacation. In addition, it provides another level of interest and hopefully a different view of the wider world. It doesn’t cost anything and it doesn’t need another level of bureaucracy to run it! After a significant amount of research and consultation with u3a National Office in the UK, I homed in on New Zealand which, unlike Europe and North America, operates a very similar u3a network to our own. Following several emails and a friendly Zoom call, I’m pleased to tell you that we have reached agreement with Browns Bay u3a in North Island, New Zealand. Browns Bay is one of the northernmost suburbs of Auckland and has a population of about 9,000 people. You can find more details via this website – and various other internet listings. Browns Bay u3a is a thriving organisation which is very similar to our own with a membership of about 250 and 25 active interest groups. You can find out more via their website, which also includes access to their newsletters HOME | u3a Browns Bay ( – I hope that as our relationship develops, opportunities will arise for regular communication between individuals and groups from both countries. A copy of ther Newletter can be found on our ‘Newsletters’ area. If you would like to discuss this in more detail or have any queries, please get in touch – Tony