Join Tiverton u3a

Our basic annual subscription is only £8 for full members and £5 for associates (must be a full member of another u3a). This covers attendance at our meetings and as many interest groups as you wish to join. You may even want to start a new one and share you interests with others? It also covers public liability insurance and an email version of our newsletter.

Posted copies of the printed newsletter are available at an additional charge of £25 pa. For a small extra cost of £3.80, you may also wish to receive the regular publication: Third Age Matters, the national u3a magazine.

Additionally, we do ask for a contribution to refreshments, at our monthly meetings, and a small contribution for refreshments to those hosting interest group meetings at their own homes.

You can join by completing an application form – online – or a paper form – AND by paying the subscription. Subscription rates are on the form. 

Registering and joining online is the easiest way to sign up – just complete the form and click ‘Submit’.   

Please note when you choose to make payment, this can be done using Paypal or a Debit card. When you see the  “Continue to Paypal to complete Payment”. You will be given the option to choose Paypal or Debit card.

If you prefer to use a printed form please download using the link below

If you are a UK Taxpayer – please consider Gift Aiding your subscription.

You can also join by coming along to one of our monthly meetings. Just speak to a committee member or simply contact the membership secretary .

Undoubtedly, membership has its benefits as our members will confirm and as further highlighted by a recent national survey (Dec 2019). Being a member of u3a  improves social life, broadens and enhances interests, increases knowledge and understanding, and builds new interests. In so doing, we benefit as individuals and as a group. Take a look at our current interest groups and guest speaker programme, you’re bound to find meetings and activities you will enjoy, perhaps you might enjoy sharing your own interests even if they are not already listed.

We look forward to you joining us in Tiverton u3a .

(Dec 2023)