
We walk regularly once a month on the first Thursday starting at 10am and cover around 10 – 12 miles. We mostly walk on Exmoor, Dartmoor, the Quantock and Brendon hills, occasionally in the Blackdowns and around Tiverton. The locations are entirely the choice of the members who are encouraged to plan and lead a walk of their choice. The object is to cover the distance while enjoying the countryside and scenery in places that you might not normally get to and endeavour to set a pace comfortable for everybody. Because of the locations and sometimes limited parking, car sharing is encouraged. We carry our own food and drink; generally stopping to eat for about 20 mins around the halfway point. At the end of the walk very often we call into a nearby pub for a sociable drink and chat.


If you are intending to join the walk, please be aware of the following:-

Suitable clothing and footwear should be worn for the conditions.

Be certain that you are fit and well enough to complete the distance and terrain which can be challenging at times. Any medical conditions should taken into account and made known to the walk leader and co-ordinator.

Because of the sometimes remote locations mobile coverage is very often unavailable and it may be some time before help arrives.

Due to the presence of farm and wild animals dogs are not invited along

Group meetings: First Thursday each month
Time: various
Location: various
Cost:  n/a
Coordinator: Gordon Cleaver
Contact email: Please view our Officers Contact Page
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